What’s new in older versions

What’s new in 1.4.3

Pertinent to users

  1. Adjusted the code that parses blog.ini values so that it can take values like:

    foo = 'a'                 # string
    foo = "a"                 # string
    foo = 23                  # integer
    foo = [ "a", 23, "b" ]    # list of strings and integers

    as well as:

    foo = a                   # string

    Note: if you want the string “23”, then you MUST enclose it in quotes, otherwise it will be parsed as an integer.

    blog.ini is used when you set up PyBlosxom using Paste.

  2. Fixed PyBlosxomWSGIApp so that it’s WSGI compliant as an application. Thanks Michael!

  3. Template variables can be parenthesized. Examples:

    $foo                      - variable is "foo"
    $(foo)                    - variable is "foo"
    $(url)index.atom          - variable is "url"

    This reduces ambiguity which was causing problems with recognition of variables.

Pertinent to developers

  1. Fixed tools.importname—it now logs errors to the logger.
  2. Fixed PyBlosxomWSGIApp so that it’s WSGI compliant as an application. Thanks Michael!
  3. Added more unit tests and corrected more behavior. Details on running unit tests are in the REDAME.

What’s new in 1.4.2

Pertinent to users

  1. Fixed another bug with the WSGI application creation code. (Thanks Christine!)
  2. Added instructions for installing PyBlosxom with mod_wsgi to install_wsgi.txt. This includes a basic wsgi script for PyBlosxom. (Thanks Christine!)
  3. Fixed up the Python Paste installation document. (Thanks Liz!)
  4. Fixed the month2num code in tools so that PyBlosxom runs on Windows (Windows doesn’t have nl_langinfo in the locale module). (Thanks Liz!)

What’s new in 1.4.1

Pertinent to users

  1. Fixed a problem where running PyBlosxom under Paste won’t pick up the config.py file. Be sure to add a configpydir property to your blog.ini file which points to the directory your config.py file is in.
  2. Fixed a problem where running PyBlosxom in Python 2.5 won’t pick up the config.py file.
  3. Merged Ryan’s optimization to Walk (removes an os.listdir call).
  4. Updated documentation.

What’s new in 1.4

Pertinent to users

  1. Added a pyblcmd command line program for PyBlosxom command line things. This now handles static rendering, rendering a single url to stdout, testing your blog setup, ...
  2. The Atom story template now has a $default_flavour bit in the link. Bug 1667937. (Thanks Michael!)
  3. PyBlosxom is now locale aware in respects to dates, months, days of the week and such. Users should set the locale config property to a valid locale if they don’t want English.
  4. Added a blog_icbm config variable for use in the ICBM meta tag. See config_variables.txt for more information.
  5. Changed the num_entries property in config.py from 40 to a much more conservative 5. Also changed the default value from 0 to 5 if you happened not to set num_entries at all. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=373658 (Thanks Jon!)
  6. Changed the self link in the atom feed to be of type application/atom+xml. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=403008 (Thanks Brian!)
  7. Added DOCUMENT_ROOT to the python path per Martin’s suggestion. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=367127 (Thanks Martin!)
  8. Translated all documentation from Docbook to reST. reST documentation is easier to read in “source-form” and a lot easier to convert to HTML and other formats using the Python docutils tools. (Thanks John!)
  9. Added support for Paste and brought the WSGI support into the codebase. (Thanks Steven and Yury!)

Pertinent to developers

1. Lots of code clean-up, documentation, test-code, and some refactoring.

  1. cb_filestat will only do an os.stat if no plugin handles the filestat. Previously, cb_filestat did an os.stat and ran through all the plugins allowing them to over-ride it.

  2. Added some testing framework pieces. This requires nose. To run the tests, do:

    nosetests --verbose --include unit
    nosetests --verbose --include functional

What’s new in 1.3.2

Pertinent to users

  1. Fixes a security issue where the path_info can come in with multiple / at the beginning. Whether this happens or not depends on the web-server you’re using and possibly other things. Some people have the issue and some don’t. If you’re in doubt, upgrade. Thanks FX!

What’s new in 1.3.1

Pertinent to users

  1. The num_entries property now affects the home page and category index pages. It no longer affects archive index pages.
  2. Fixed the RSS 0.9.1 feed templates. It has the correct link url and shows the entry bodies. Thanks Norbert!
  3. The version string is correct.
  4. Added support for $body_escaped .
  5. Fixed the blog encoding on the RSS 2.0 feed so that it uses the value provided in the config.py $blog_encoding variable.
  6. Fixed the Atom 1.0 story flavour to use $body_escaped instead of <![CDATA[ $body ]]>
  7. Fixed a problem with static rendering where we’d render /index.html and //index.html if the user had entries in their root category.

Pertinent to developers

  1. If you have plugins that use the logger functions in PyBlosxom 1.2, you need to update those plugins to use the new logger functions in PyBlosxom 1.3. Read through the API for details.
  2. Moved documentation in ReadMeForPlugins.py over to the manual.

What’s new in 1.3

Pertinent to users

  1. We added a blog_rights property. This holds a textual description of the rights you give to others who read your blog. Leaving this blank or not filling it in will affect the RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 feeds.

  2. If you set flavourdir``in your config.py file, you have to put your flavour files in that directory tree.  If you don't set ``flavourdir, then PyBlosxom expects to find your flavour files in your datadir.

    The flavour overhaul is backwards compatible with previous PyBlosxom versions. So if you want to upgrade your blog, but don’t want to move your flavour files to a new directory, DON’T set your flavourdir property.

  3. Moved the content that was in README to CHANGELOG.

  4. You can now organize the directory hierarchy of your blog by date. For example, you could create a category for each year and put posts for that year in that year (2003, 2004, 2005, ...). Previously URLs requesting “2003”, “2004”, ... would get parsed as dates and would pull blog entries by mtime and not by category.

  5. Logging works now. The following configuration properties are useful for determining whether events in PyBlosxom are logged and what will get logged:

    • “log_file” - the file that PyBlosxom events will be logged to—the web-server MUST be able to write to this file.
    • “log_level” - the level of events to write to the log. options are “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “info”, and “debug”
    • “log_filter” - the list of channels that should have messages logged. if you set the log_filter and omit “root”, then app-level messages are not logged.

    It’s likely you’ll want to set log_file and log_level and that’s it. Omit log_file and logging will fall back to stderr which usually gets logged to your web-server’s error log.

Pertinent to developers and plugin developers

  1. Plugins that used logging in 1.2 need to be changed to use the new logging utilities in 1.3. Until that happens, they won’t work.

What’s new in 1.2

Pertinent to users

  1. We added a blog_email item to config.py and changed blog_author to just the author’s name. Examples:

    py[“blog_email”] = “joe@blah.com” py[“blog_author”] = “Joe Man”

  2. We no longer adjust blog_title from what you set in config.py. Now we have a blog_title_with_path variable which is in the data dict which is the blog_title with the path information. People who want the title of their blog to be the title and not include the path should use $blog_title. Folks who want the old behavior where the path was appended to the title should use $blog_title_with_path .

  3. We now support WSGI, mod_python, and Twisted in addition to CGI.

  4. Upped our Python requirement to Python 2.2. If you have an earlier version than that, you won’t be able to use PyBlosxom 1.2.

  5. Changed defaultFlavour to default_flavour. This property allows you to specify the flavour to use by default if the URI doesn’t specify one. It default to html.

  6. We moved the main PyBlosxom site to http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/ . There’s a “powered by pyblosxom” image at http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/images/pb_pyblosxom.gif

    You should adjust your templates accordingly.

Pertinent to developers

  1. We now have a Request and a Response object. See API documentation for more details.

  2. Don’t use os.environ directly—use the http dict. For example, this is bad:

    path_info = os.environ["HTTP_PATHINFO"]

    This is what you should be doing:

    http = request.getHttp()
    path_info = http["HTTP_PATHINFO"]

    If you use os.environ directly, it’s likely your plugin won’t work with non-CGI installations of PyBlosxom.

  3. We added __iter__, read, readline, readlines, seek, and tell to the Request object. All of them access the input stream. You should not use sys.stdin directly.


    data = request.read()
    data_part = request.read(1024)
    one_line = request.readline()
    lines = request.readlines()
  4. The output stream should be accessed through the PyBlosxom Response object. The following methods are implemented in the Response object: __iter__, close, flush, read, readline, readlines, seek, tell, write, writelines, setStatus, and addHeader. You should not use sys.stdout directly. See the API for more details.


    response = request.getResponse()
    response.addHeader('Status', '200 Ok')
    response.addHeader('Content-type', 'text/html')
    response.write("Hello World")
    response.writelines(["list", "of", "data"])
  5. Instead of doing:

    form = request.getHttp()["form"]

    you can now do:

    form = request.getForm()
  6. Plugins should not be importing the config module and looking at the py dict directly. You should instead use the Request getConfiguration() method to get the config py dict.

What’s new in 1.1

Pertinent to users

  1. We no longer include contributed plugins and flavours. To find plugins and flavours, go to the PyBlosxom registry located at http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/ .
  2. We changed how num_entries is handled internally. If num_entries is set to 0, the blosxom default file handler will display all the entries. If num_entries is set to a positive number, then the blosxom default file handler will display at most that many entries.

Pertinent to developers

  1. Plugins that implement cb_filelist are now in charge of adjusting the number of entries to be displayed based on the num_entries configuration variable. This is no longer done in the renderer.
  2. We added HTTP_COOKIE to the list of things that get added to the http dict in the Request object.

What’s new in 1.0

Pertinent to users

  1. We ditched blosxom_custom_flavours—you can remove it from your config.py file.

  2. We added static rendering—see the howto in the PyBlosxom manual.

  3. Rewrote comments to use the new handler system. You should replace the comments, pingbacks, trackbacks, and other comments-oriented plugins with the new versions from contrib/plugins/comments/.

  4. pingbacks plugin is now xmlrpc_pingbacks.py .

  5. Adjusted the default templates for HTML and RSS. Removed all other default templates. Look at the flavour_examples directory for flavour examples.

  6. Added an ignore_properties property to config.py which allows you to specify which directories in your datadir should be ignored. For example:

    py["ignore_directories"] = ["CVS", ".svn"]
  7. Added a template variable pyblosxom_version which points to pyblosxom/Pyblosxom/pyblosxom.VERSION_DATE .

  8. Fixed some code in pyarchives so it worked with Python 2.1. Thanks to Wilhelm.

  9. Fixed template retrieving code so that you can specify templates to use for a given category or parent categories. Thanks to Nathan for fixing this.

  10. We added a logdir property to config. PyBlosxom (and plugins) will create logs in this directory so the directory has to have write access for whatever user the webserver uses to run the script.

Pertinent to developers and plugin developers

  1. Rewrote the startup for PyBlosxom request handling—we ditched the common_start function and picked up a common initialize function.
  2. Unhardcoded where contrib and web files go when doing a multi-user installation using python setup.py install.
  3. Adjusted the comments plugin so that if a given entry has a nocomments property, then it won’t get comments.
  4. Moved the Request object into pyblosxom/Pyblosxom/pyblosxom.py.
  5. Fixed variable parsing so that if the variable value is a function that takes arguments, we pass the request in as the first argument.
  6. Added VERSION, VERSION_DATE, and VERSION_SPLIT. This allows you to verify that your plugin works with the version of PyBlosxom the user is using.