What’s new in 1.2

Pertinent to users

  1. We added a blog_email item to config.py and changed blog_author to just the author’s name. Examples:

    py[“blog_email”] = “joe@blah.com” py[“blog_author”] = “Joe Man”

  2. We no longer adjust blog_title from what you set in config.py. Now we have a blog_title_with_path variable which is in the data dict which is the blog_title with the path information. People who want the title of their blog to be the title and not include the path should use $blog_title. Folks who want the old behavior where the path was appended to the title should use $blog_title_with_path .

  3. We now support WSGI, mod_python, and Twisted in addition to CGI.

  4. Upped our Python requirement to Python 2.2. If you have an earlier version than that, you won’t be able to use PyBlosxom 1.2.

  5. Changed defaultFlavour to default_flavour. This property allows you to specify the flavour to use by default if the URI doesn’t specify one. It default to html.

  6. We moved the main PyBlosxom site to http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/ . There’s a “powered by pyblosxom” image at http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/images/pb_pyblosxom.gif

    You should adjust your templates accordingly.

Pertinent to developers

  1. We now have a Request and a Response object. See API documentation for more details.

  2. Don’t use os.environ directly—use the http dict. For example, this is bad:

    path_info = os.environ["HTTP_PATHINFO"]

    This is what you should be doing:

    http = request.getHttp()
    path_info = http["HTTP_PATHINFO"]

    If you use os.environ directly, it’s likely your plugin won’t work with non-CGI installations of PyBlosxom.

  3. We added __iter__, read, readline, readlines, seek, and tell to the Request object. All of them access the input stream. You should not use sys.stdin directly.


    data = request.read()
    data_part = request.read(1024)
    one_line = request.readline()
    lines = request.readlines()
  4. The output stream should be accessed through the PyBlosxom Response object. The following methods are implemented in the Response object: __iter__, close, flush, read, readline, readlines, seek, tell, write, writelines, setStatus, and addHeader. You should not use sys.stdout directly. See the API for more details.


    response = request.getResponse()
    response.addHeader('Status', '200 Ok')
    response.addHeader('Content-type', 'text/html')
    response.write("Hello World")
    response.writelines(["list", "of", "data"])
  5. Instead of doing:

    form = request.getHttp()["form"]

    you can now do:

    form = request.getForm()
  6. Plugins should not be importing the config module and looking at the py dict directly. You should instead use the Request getConfiguration() method to get the config py dict.

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