What's new in 1.1 ================= Pertinent to users ------------------ 1. We no longer include contributed plugins and flavours. To find plugins and flavours, go to the PyBlosxom registry located at http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/ . 2. We changed how ``num_entries`` is handled internally. If ``num_entries`` is set to 0, the blosxom default file handler will display all the entries. If ``num_entries`` is set to a positive number, then the blosxom default file handler will display at most that many entries. Pertinent to developers ----------------------- 1. Plugins that implement cb_filelist are now in charge of adjusting the number of entries to be displayed based on the ``num_entries`` configuration variable. This is no longer done in the renderer. 2. We added HTTP_COOKIE to the list of things that get added to the http dict in the Request object.